
outHEAR New Music Week
Commissioned to compose a piece for solo piano
The outHEAR New Music Week, is an international symposium and master class for composition, based in Greece, featuring the Ensemble Klangforum Wien in collaboration with members of Performance Practice in Contemporary Music (PPCM) ensemble of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz – Austria.
2.-10.11.2024 | Municipal Conservatory of Music, Larissa | Olimpou 1 | 41221 Larissa | Greece

A contemporary opera for recycling centres and other utopian places
WERT-STOFF-OPER is set in a future in which humanity is faced with a shortage of resources. But there is hope: a scientist and an archaeologist dare to do the impossible and build a time machine to travel back in time and save their/our future. Will they succeed?
Direction and Concept: Thalia Kellmeyer | Music: Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou | Libretto: Veit. B. Arlt | Choreography: Miriam Cheema | Costumes: Bianca Heck | Environmental education: Karen Graf | Photos: Marc Doradzillo
Performances: 21.09.2024, 14:00 & 18:00 | 22.09.2024, 11:00
21.-22.09.2024 | ASF (Waste management and city cleaning depot in Freiburg) | Herman-Mitsch-Straße 26 | 79108 Freiburg

Lecturer at the 2024 Mu:v-Camp in Weikersheim
Course: Composition (New Music) | Workshops: Musical Composition in groups
The mu:v camp takes place every two years at the Weikersheim Castle Music Academy. It is organized by the initiative ‘mu:v – Musik verbindet!’, a group of music-loving young people who set up musical courses and workshops for their age group (approx. 16-26 years) on a voluntary basis. The initiative is supported by Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland e.V.
25.-29.07.2024 | Musikakademie Schloss Weikersheim | Marktplatz 12 | D-97990 Weikersheim

Beverley Ellis, Cello | Olivia Shurman, Piano
Works by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Gaspar Cassadó, Robert Schumann, Ina Boyle, Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (‘Indigo’ for Cello and Piano) and Claude Debussy
Saturday, 20.07.2024 | 19:00 pm | depot.K e.V. Kunstprojekt Freiburg | Hauptstraße 82 | Freiburg

A musical fairy tale for the whole family, aged 6 and over.
Alessandra Riudalbas, flutes | David Auli Morales, percussion | Katharina König, accordion
Text, Direction & Drawing – Fabian Gysling | Stage – Robert Eugler | Composers – Vasiliki Kourti Papamoustou, Isabel Pardo, Borys Loginov
Saturday, 29.06.2024 | 11:00 am & 16:00 pm | University of Music Freiburg | Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Platz 1 | Freiburg

Film screening and discussion
With director Nadine Zacharias, in the presence of director of photography Nicu Mihailescu and film composer Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou.
The short documentary film provides food for thought on what the Europe of the future could look like and unfolds an urgent utopia, shortly before the next European elections in June 2024.
Monday, 27.05.2024 | 19:30 pm | Kommunales Kino Freiburg | Urachstr. 40 | Freiburg

ensemble aventure
Works by Vasiliki Krimitza, Dimitrios-Nikolaos Stavrou, Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (‘Duo’ for viola and cello), Minas Borboudakis, Georgia Koumara, Irini Amargianaki
Saturday, 20.04.2024 | 19:30 pm | Textilmuseum Augsburg | Provinostr. 46 | Augsburg

ensemble aventure
Works by Vasiliki Krimitza, Dimitrios-Nikolaos Stavrou, Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (‘Duo’ for viola and cello), Minas Borboudakis, Georgia Koumara, Irini Amargianaki
Friday, 19.04.2024 | 20:00 pm | Schwere Reiter | Dachauer Straße 114a | Munich

ensemble aventure
Works by Vasiliki Krimitza, Dimitrios-Nikolaos Stavrou, Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (‘Duo’ for viola and cello), Minas Borboudakis, Georgia Koumara, Irini Amargianaki
Wednesday, 17.04.2024 | 20:00 pm | Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung | Wilhelmstr. 17a | Freiburg

Studio for Contemporary Music
dedicated to … Zentaur-Quartet
Ronja Sophie Putz – violin, Marc Kaufmann – violin, Katharina Schmauder – viola, Caio de Azevedo – violoncello
Zentaur-Quartet in conversation with Johannes X. Schachtner
Works by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (String Quartet No.1), Jacopo Salvatori, Katharina Schmauder, Arsen Babajanyan, Caio de Azevedo, Michael Emanuel Bauer
Monday, 5.02.2024 | 20:00 pm | Rubinstein Hall | Landsberger Straße 336 | 80687 Munich

Ronja Sophie Putz – violin, Marc Kaufmann – violin, Katharina Schmauder – viola, Caio de Azevedo – violoncello
Works by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou (String Quartet No.1), Jacopo Salvatori, Katharina Schmauder, Arsen Babajanyan, Caio de Azevedo
Saturday, 3.02.2024 | 19:00 pm | Zschochersche Str.52 | 04229 Leipzig

IFMS FR Meet And Greet concert
The ‘Initiative Freie Musikszene Freiburg’ (IFMS FR) is an association of artists who realise music projects of various sizes and genres in the city of Freiburg.
An evening with works/ contributions from Roland Breitenfeld, Carl-Martin Buttgereit, Lee Ferguson, Georg Gädker, Emilio Guim, Harald Kimmig, Matthias Kläger, Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou, Julien Laffaire, Myvanwy Penny, Katharina Persicke, Sibylle Schaible, Svea Schildknecht, Katharina Schmauder, Ephraim Wegner, Thomas Wenk, Annette Winker.
Thursday, 30.11.2023 | 20:00 pm | Ensemblehaus Freiburg | Schützenallee 72 | 79100 Freiburg

Concert: ‘Auf der Suche nach dem Schweinhorn und sonstige Ohrwürmer’
Music students from Waldkirch and Freiburg perform their own compositions and works by members of the IFK composers (Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponistinnen und Komponisten), including Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou’s piece for solo cello ‘a tiny fly up in the sky’. Music for guitar, accordion, cello, flute, oboe, clarinet in B and bassoon.
City Library of Freiburg | 17:00 pm

Lecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Music Studies
‘Unlocking creativity: Composing music with children and teenagers’
This lecture is aimed at composers and music educators and attempts to explore cases where children are directly involved in the compositional process. How is it when you compose with children/teenagers? Are there different methods for it? How can the different steps of this process (conscious listening, exploration of sounds, improvisation, musical notation) be structured and how could musical ideas of children with little or no musical education be guided and brought to light?
The composer and music educator Vasiliki Kourti Papamoustou will present excerpts from her works and talk about her experiences on composing with children. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and then develop, notate and perform their own compositions.
Thursday November 2nd | 17:00 pm | Thermi Campus | Classroom 10

Screening of ‘The Author’, for Typewriter and Stationary / Office supplies. Composed by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou for the ‘Lirum Larum’ children’s literature Festival, performed by the Black Forest Percussion Group and filmed by Marc Doradzillo.
Theater Freiburg | Großes Haus | 12:30 pm | 14:00 pm | 16:00 pm

Composition and music production for a short film about the art exhibition ‘complementary’, created by Herbert X. Maier.
Watch the film here:

‘…doch welches Lied für unsre Zeit?’
A collaborative project between the ‘Freiburg Composer’s Association’ (IFK) and the ‘klangwerk LIED’ Association.
Works by Breitenfeld, Buchwald, Cárdenas, Fervers, Gottschewski, Michael, Motz, Kourti-Papamoustou, Schmauder, Schmidt, Soto-Mayorga, as well as by Carlotta Ferrari and Josephine Lang.
Sunday, May 07 | 2023 | 6:00 pm
Humboldtsaal at the Freiburger Hof
Katharina Persicke, soprano
Georg Gädker, baritone
Hansjacob Staemmler, piano

‘Contemporary Music for Drehorgel’
Article by Achim Schneider for the Journal ‘Das Mechanische Musikinstrument’, including Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou’s piece ‘Playground’ for Drehorgel.

GEDOK Freiburg, Debut 2023
Ten visual artists and two musicians introduce themselves as new members of GEDOK (Association of the Communities of Women Artists and Patrons of the Arts) Freiburg.
Olivia Shurman (piano) and Beverley Ellis (violoncello) perform works by the composer Vasiliki Kourti Papamoustou.

59th Nuova Consonanza Festival in Rome, Italy
Microtonal Music
Stephen Altoft & Furano Saxophone Quartet
Works by Paolo Marchettini, Alberto Napolitano, Iván Solano, Emily Koh, Daniele Bravi and Vasiliki Kourti Papamoustou (‘Psychography’, for 24-Div Trumpet and Saxophone Quartet, composed in memory of Donald Bousted).
Mattatoio La Pelanda | 20:00 pm

‘Fagöttlich’ Concert
Performance of the piece ‘Sehr Ernst’ for Bassoon Ensemble at the City Library of Freiburg | 20:00 pm
In this workshop which was organised and conducted by Annette Winker, about 15 amateur Bassoonists studied and performed ‘Gartenlieder’ by Fanny Mendelssohn, as well as 2 new commissioned pieces, composed by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou and Mia Schmidt.
The project was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

28 – 30.Oct.2022
Children and teens compose musical theatre
Symposium with workshops at the Federal Academy for Children’s musical theatre in Rheinsberg, in cooperation with the ‘AG Musiktheater’ of ASSITEJ Deutschland e.V..
Among other lecturers, Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou conducted the workshop ‘Unlocking creativity: Composing with children, young and old’.

Fagöttlich: Final Workshop Concert
In this workshop which was organised and conducted by Annette Winker, about 15 amateur Bassoonists studied and performed ‘Gartenlieder’ by Fanny Mendelssohn, as well as 2 new commissioned pieces, composed by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou and Mia Schmidt.
The project was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts. The final concert / world premiere of the new compositions took place on Sunday the 23rd of October at 11:00 at the Eurythmiesaal of the Waldorfschule Freiburg-Wiehre.

The Freiburg Composer’s Association (IFK) is celebrating its 10th birthday with a double concert on Sunday the 23rd of October, at the Bürgerhaus Seepark. The ‘Zentaur’ String Quartet, as well the Sopran Svea Schildknecht, are going to perform the works of 11 Freiburg based – composers, amongst them Vasiliki Kourti Papamoustou’s ‘String Quartet Nr. 1’.
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V., Freiburg (Germany).

Screening of ‘The Author’ for Typewriter and Stationary / Office supplies in Theater Freiburg, composed by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou for the ‘Lirum Larum’ children’s literature Festival, performed by the Black Forest Percussion Group and filmed by Marc Doradzillo.

Lecture at the City Library of Freiburg
‘Ich höre das, was du nicht hörst’: Exploring the relationship between sound design and music in film. To what extent does ‘what you hear’ influence ‘what you see’? Can sound design be viewed from a musical perspective? Examples of my film music will be presented and discussed.
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V., Freiburg (Germany).

Premiere of “NeurOper” – an opera intermezzo by the Community Oper Freiburg e.V. in cooperation with researchers from the BrainLinks-BrainTools Center at the University of Freiburg. “NeurOper” was composed by Jan F. Kurth and was co-directed by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou, for the opening of the new NEXUS Lab at the Intelligent Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT) at the campus of the University of Freiburg.

Premiere of ‘Durchgängige Sprachbildung 3’, a full-length documentary film directed by Sarah Moll, commissioned by the city of Freiburg, for which I composed and produced the music. The event took place in the ‘Evangelische Gemeindesaal’ in Freiburg, Landwasser.

During the 25th anniversary of the KKW (Kulturkeller der Winterschule Ettenheim), Bernd Lafrenz, a Freiburg- based actor, performed William Shakespeare’s theatrical play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” open-air on the 16th of July 2022. His performance was accompanied with live music by the ’Stadtkapelle Ettenheim’ wind orchestra, with part of the music being composed by Vasiliki Kourti-Papamoustou.

For the academic year of 2021/22 I am the Substitute Choir Director of Community Oper Freiburg. Our first project of the season is a collaboration with the Stuttgarter Philharmoniker and the ‘Chorgemeinschaft Liederkranz Lahr’, under the Baton of Michael Güttler, performing Otto Nicolai’s Opera ’Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor’.

Excited, happy, anxious and proud! The kids from the 6a class of the Gymnasium Schönau attend the Online Premiere of their own piece ‘Atemberaubenderer Klang’, which they composed and performed under my guidance, as a part of the ‘Klangradar’ Project, along with pieces of 11 other schools that participated across Germany. It has been 3 months of exploring, trying and discovering new sounds. And how great it was that they got to be filmed by the director Stephan Boehme! Nothing would have happened if it wasn’t for Burkhard Friedrich, artistic director of Klangradar (Netzwerk Junge Ohren e.V.), as well as their teacher Philip Stade. In the afternoon, the kids played their piece live, finally in front of some real audience.

Hollywood Premiere for ‘Vater’, a short film by Suzanna Zawieja, for which I composed and produced the music. ‘Vater’ received an award of excellence (Special Mention) in June 2020 and was also a finalist at the ‘Best Experimental Short’ section of the IMDb qualifier Indie Short Fest 2020/2021 Hollywood Annual Awards (ISF-LA), an LA-based international film competition.
Happy to announce that my piece ‘Interlude’ for 19-Div Microtonal Trumpet and MalletKAT has been selected for the Followmyscore Fall season 2021 on YouTube.

‘Trilogy’, a short film by Silke Abendschein for which I was responsible for the sound design, had its German TV premiere on the 10th of December, at 2:00 o’clock on the MDR television channel.

‘Muvid-19’ Miniatures presented in Kommunales Kino Freiburg.
Covid-19 is small, but not a trifle – Muvid-19 are miniatures, little trifles without viruses. There are speakers. In the broadest sense. Mostly. That’s the rule. Muvid-19 is a collection-in-progress of 19-second music videos. Initiated at the Institute for New Music at the Freiburg University of Music (in cooperation with Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, European Association for Music in Schools, University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar, Átlátszó Hang New Music Festival Budapest, Musikene San Sebastian).

Performing the electronics for ‘The Stone Tapestry’, a concert-length piece composed by Jeff Herriott, with the Black Forest Percussion Group at the Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung, Freiburg.

Premiere of ‘The Author’ for Typewriter and Stationary / Office supplies in Theater Freiburg, composed for the ‘Lirum Larum’ children’s literature Festival, performed by the Black Forest Percussion Group and filmed by Marc Doradzillo.

Open air Premiere of the Opera ‘Fliegende Bauten’ at E-Werk Freiburg, part of the NOTSTROM Festival 2021. The music was composed in collaboration with Jan F. Kurth.

Release of the ‘Time Dreaming’ album by Stephen Altoft, of new trumpet music in 19 divisions of the octave; available on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and many other digital platforms. Edited and co-produced by Donald Bousted, this album features the piece ‘Interlude’ for microtonal trumpet and malletKAT.